Thursday, 28 December 2017

Aerial Photography: How to Take Breath-taking Photos

Drone photography has changed the way numerous businesses run. You can use them to check territories that were beforehand hard to see, for example, piping while checking security and safety, You can use them to manage policing circumstances, for example, protests and riots and they are even utilized in films. Pay special attention to it next time you watch a film, ordinarily, the video will begin in the air just like an airplane and afterward go across providing the audience with an incredible aerial photo that shall be loved.

You may take a look at a few pictures that have been taken by Singapore Aerial Photography on a drone and match them up to yours and think about how on earth theirs look so great yet yours hardly considered as a photograph. Here are a few tips to keep in mind while clicking pictures or making videos with your drone!

Most drones these days are available with a high-quality built-in camera. In the event that you possess a fairly old quad-rotor and are looking to fix your very own camera, then a 'GoPro' cam is an amazing alternative. Anyway, you do need to consider the drone vibrations as it will change the nature of the photos that you click and the videos that you make. Built-in cameras provide significantly better quality footages without fail. Before making your first ever video, you may as well purchase a transmitter which will enable you to expand the scope of availability when flying and in addition, stream video live directly from your drone.

To begin with, your camera is probably going to get thumped around because of the wind while in the air to ensure you’re making use of a shorter lens to counterbalance this. In case you attach a short lens with high shutter speed, you will notice dramatic upgrades in the outcome immediately. A great practice to get the high-quality picture, you should use approximately 1/1000 second @ 200 mm and 1/500 second @ 100 mm. These combos will enable you to click sharp, clean photographs regardless of the conditions.

Another incredible tip while taking photos with a drone is to keep your camera settings to high contrast in case haze turns into an issue (which it normally does). In the event that the issue is extremely terrible and you are getting B&W footage, you may likewise need to shoot using a red filter on. Typically, utilizing any kind of filters, for example, 'Haze' and 'UV' have a tendency to deteriorate the photo quality while in the air, however, the filter will help in adding color.

Obviously, it is imperative to have a great time while doing drone photography yet you also need to stay sensible constantly. Follow the government rules; abstain from flying close to an air terminal where it could cause difficult issues. Finally, all comes down to conviction and it comes with the continuous practice. The more you do, the more you learn and consequently, the better your photos will get! 

Monday, 13 November 2017

Things to look; when choosing a real estate photographer

The present marketing activities of real estate business must be included professional real estate photography which is an intrinsic part of the whole industry. A professional real estate photographer can understand the buyer’s interest. It is a great fact that the potential buyers show an optimistic interest for most the time when he accompanies the real estate proposal clearly.

Images are important for the real estate marketing strategy. Real estate business is very competitive in the current world. Most of the real estate businessmen are trying to boost their business through modern technology.

Singapore Aerial Video

If we look at flyers, billboards or any other online advertisement, real estate business is dependent on relevant real estate images.  Now it is more essential to select the right real estate photographer for collecting professional photos of your real estate business. Singapore aerial video provides us this opportunity.  Now it is a question, how to select a real estate photographer?

Having professional degree
Working as a real estate photography, the professional degree is not mandatory. In the western world, there is some professional degree for real estate photography. Before working as a real estate photographer, most of them get the professional degree from a technical institute. In the real estate photography program, deserving candidates learn the modern technology of photography, future trends and upcoming attractive features.

Having sound knowledge
A professional degree is not enough to survive in the real estate photography, but they need sound knowledge in this field. It is an ever-growing technology which expands with respect to time. A good real estate photographer must understand the current trends in real estate photography. Singapore Aerial Video has a number of real estate photographers.

Output of the photography
It depends on the activity of a professional photographer. Before hiring a real estate photographer, we need to understand what type of photography we do for our real estate business. If you think about dusk photography, it is suitable for outdoor lighting. Daytime shots are suitable for all types of real estate.  Aerial videos or photography can cover your all types of requirements, but you will have to pay a large amount of money. Elevated photography is necessary for attractive gardens with large homes which are popular in Europe. 

Having enough experience
Experience is the vital point in the sector. For most of the cases, a professional degree is not quite enough to do real estate photography, real-life experience is essential. It is our responsibility to select a person for real estate photography who has enough experience in this field. There are many photography companies in Singapore where you can easily find out professional people in this field.

Define your budget

It is another issue for a real estate photography. At the beginning, it is a difficult task to set a budget for real estate photography. Most of the business organizations have lack of idea about the budget of this activities. The senior management can’t understand the overall cost of the real estate photography. Before choosing a real estate photographer, they must contact with an experienced people regarding this matter. He knows the exact rate of the real estate photography.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

NATURE lovers!! Catch a Bird's eye View with us

Singapore is viewed as a city with ultra modern gadgets, the latest entertainment, and much technological advancement. The garden city is filled with skyscrapers and high rise buildings and hence the view from above is better than on the ground.

Singapore Aerial Photography

The civilian memorial is a memorial to all the civilian victims of Japanese occupation in Singapore. It looks its best from the top. The drone comes to its advantage when you have to take a perfect shot of the place from the top. This gorgeous monumental structure is surrounded by greenery and looks immense from the top.

Take the advantage of the best aerial photography in Singapore and capture the most amazing bird's eye view of the city’s favorite spots.

Esplanade is a wonderful picture spot for the drone photographers. It looks immense from each angle when seen from the top. You can find beauty in the theatre halls and the outside greenery of the theatre.

ONE°15 Marina is a perfect boating spot in Singapore. Even the non-boaters can appreciate the beauty of the place by viewing it from the top. A perfect picturesque view of the yacht and cruising location of Singapore is what you get by taking the pictures from Drone.

The drone has advanced in technology and hence taking pictures from any angle and fitting any camera in the lens is now possible. Living in a wonderful city of tall buildings and bird eye views, one must not miss the best experiences of life. Drone photography has enhanced the beauty of the city.

Whether you take pictures in day or night, Gardens by the Bay will always be a great shot for the drone. It would not be wrong to say that bird catches the best view of the city in Singapore. But now you can also take pleasure of the garden city in the birds’ style. The drone makes it easier for you to experience the bird's eye views. The artificial trees of the Garden of the Bay are amazing and look more appealing at night when they are lit with glowing lightings.

Beautiful Palawan Beach in Sentosa is well-known for its uniqueness and natural beauty. But taking a drone shot of it makes it look like it is a part of the Maldives. Sentosa Island is striking and makes the best part of the city. The view of the island and the beach is worth watching from bird eyes. Thanks to drone photography, doing this is affordable as well as very easy.

The Adventure Playground at Tiong Bahru Park is colorful and architecturally interesting. Seeing it from the top becomes more interesting when you look at the kids playing around the park. They appear like some magical creatures from the top.

Upper Seletar Reservoir has perfectly aligned foliage and a running track which is surrounded by a reservoir. This gives a perfect view for drone photography.

Choose the best Aerial photography in Singapore and experience the perfect bird's eye view of the city. 

Monday, 11 September 2017

Know the Ethics of Brave Aerial Videography

It has been recently that they are on the market, but the small aircraft are already a mass phenomenon: Mini-UAVs, often controlled with a Smartphone and equipped with tiny cameras, spread rapidly among users. They provide the perfect holiday paradise with beach and sea, they are used as a persecutor camera during a wild bike tour through the mountains, but also for business purposes. For example, when selling a property, anyone who can show his house from all sides may have better sales opportunities.

From aerial photography to satellite remote sensing, there are many methods of acquiring images of the Earth. Conventional aerial photography allows very precise images (much less than one meter) to be obtained, but the shooting remains a heavy operation and often outside the budgetary means of research programs.

The development of this method of acquisition is also part of the methodological innovation on geographic information systems (GIS): it is accompanied by the development of methods and software for the recovery, mosaic-ing, and integrated management of image data in a GIS. We present in this article some of the ethics of Singapore Aerial Videography.

Drones and Copter are not forbidden
First of all, it is not fundamentally forbidden to control a mini-drone- Neither in the city nor in the country, neither in public nor private. As long as it is not about Singapore Aerial Videography, the same rules apply as for model aircraft or the well-known small toy helicopters. However, there are some limitations.

Airports and visibility
Outside of the controlled airspace near airports, the drone may ascend up to 100 meters. Further up, it is subject to authorization, since air traffic can be disturbed.

Flight drones above the house
It becomes tricky if a house owner controls over occupied area and makes film recordings. For then, the matter quickly becomes a case for the complicated neighborhood law.

Photos and videos from the air
The hysteria around the introduction of Google Street View a few years ago should be a warning to any drone pilots. Anyone who blinks over the hedges here must expect a lot of trouble.

And what applies to Google also applies to air photographs. If you move the flying camera over the fence to neighbor's site, you should ask permission first, especially if you want to publish the recordings later.

In general, drones can keep to the rule: Everything that can be seen with the naked eye and from a normal perspective can be photographed.

Drones as sales help
If you want to sell your property, you can take as many pictures of the airspace as you want. This applies to single-family houses anyway, but also for multi-family houses. If the authorities allowed on the spot, the owner could fly over the house and take pictures of the backyard. Even if the windows of rented apartments can be seen, there is hardly anything against a publication and use for the sale.

Residents could possibly contradict "if one can clearly see for example details of a housing facility through the window."

Friday, 11 August 2017

Excellent Reasons to Use Aerial Photographer for Commercial Properties

Real-estate is a considered a kind of tricky field since it is always required the best calculation. When it comes to investing in a property or you want to fetch the attention of buyer, it requires everything in a discreet manner. The fact cannot be circumvented that Aerial Photography plays a major role to attract the attention of buyers. It let them know that they are going to invest in a right property. But this is not the only reason for going Aerial Photography. Here, we are going to let you know other excellent reasons to go for this photography style. Let’s have a look -

Aerial Photographer for Commercial Properties

Excellent Reasons To Go For This Photography Style –

It helps to cover a wide area and the audience comes to know that what is all about the area. They come to know where the building is situated, where its door window, where the building faces, what is all about the road position and so on. In short, it can be said that this photography style lets them know everything in a map style. Investors can easily come across what is all about the building height since they are seeing it at a particular height. The entire property and land can be seen as you wanted to see. The high aerial shot makes easy to know it property worth to invest or not. What you need to do is just go for saying yes to the best Aerial Photography Hire Services‎ to get the desired service at the modest prices.

In case, if you wish to target all angles of the building, then going with medium aerial shots is considered the best. This way brings all your layout, features, and property line in a discreet manner. The best thing is that it is high in demand.  The new age business knows the importance of it and that is why they are hiring Aerial Photography Hire Services‎ For Real-estate.

In real estate, the importance of this photography style cannot be ignored since low elevated shots play a major role to grab unique and slightly raised angle of the property. The audience comes across all angles so make sure if the property is going along with their expectation or not. And this thing cannot be done going with typical photography.

Aerial Photography‎ For Real-estate

Apart from all this, your customers can also have a look to the neighbourhood and surrounding area as it is done at a particular height and that is why it becomes possible to cover a wide area.

The best thing is that you do not need to think much a lot. What is the most important thing is that this way also covers the home’s proximity to amenities to let others know what is equipped in. So, what are you waiting for? It is time to go for saying YES to this photography style in order to lift your business profit up. It is time to get embarked on a journey to carve out your business’s special image. 

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

The Benefits of Aerial Photos with Drones for Business

Since its inception as far back as the early part of the 19th century, photography has mostly been from a land view. If aerial photography did take place it was from scientific perspectives and in movies. The advent of drones and compact high res cameras changed it all and aerial drone photography is growing in popularity, especially for businesses that find it a convenient way to develop impressive presentations.
Drone Photography Singapore

Drone photography proliferated and brought problems in its wake such as drones crashing and causing accidents and damages to property. This led to regulation of the drone photography business in Singapore. Drone photography Singapore is subject to approval and licensing by the Civil Aviation authority of Singapore. Only those photographers with an operator permit from CAAS can conduct aerial photography business in Singapore. Why is this necessary for businesses?

Consider a case where a business hires a photographer for aerial drone photography. If the photographer is unlicensed he runs into all sorts of trouble. Worse, the company hiring him is also implicated because they are breaking the law and are subject to fines. Should an accident take place then there are more liabilities for both. Such unlicensed photographers may also be unaware of the way to fly drones, the minimum height requirements and laws of privacy not to speak of regulations. Licensed aerial drone photographers, on the other hand, know how to handle the drone safely, the height at which it should be flows and applicable rules besides being fully insured. Businesses that hire licensed drone operators benefit in that they know they are protected against any legal liability.

That is the liability part of aerial drone photography for business. Businesses benefit by aerial photography using drones because of the unique and phenomenally outstanding look to images. Whether it is video or stills, professionals bring their knowledge and training as well as artistic talent to the art of aerial photography. The result is impressive and unique.

Real estate, for example, can present stills or videos that show the entire layout of the land from a bird’s eye view and then zoom in from various levels to give complete information that is not possible with standard land-based photography. In construction business too, drone photography can be a perfect and less dangerous way to view progress, assess hazards and implement safety measures besides using the photographs and videos for promotional purposes. Tourism is another business that benefits by being able to give close up shots or bird’s eye view shots of destinations. Corporate events take on added glitz when the proceedings are recorded from the air.

Drone videos and stills have a unique perspective and high impact that help businesses establish their brand image. It also costs less. It would be next to impossible to capture the same images using cranes besides being terribly expensive if one thinks of hiring a helicopter.

Singapore Aerial Photography drone aerial photography assures full compliance with laws in Singapore while delivering professional results that add to brand image with maximum impact in the photos. 

Friday, 14 July 2017

Aerial Photography is a perfect device to discover the property for sale.

Aerial photography is now a made an essential tool for real estate marketing.  If someone who deals in real estates or an agent the photographs by aerial photography will be very useful for him and at the same time will be beneficial. Aerial photography has become an extremely powerful tool that will set the user apart from the crowd. Many professionals provide real estate dealers with the pack of aerial photographs and videos so that they can use those photographs for their property marketing.

Singapore Aerial Photography

Aerial photographs better describes the size of the building, the extent of the land and even the size of the car park. It is a complete overview of the commercial property. The aerial photographs also can show along with the site of property, nearby roads, boundaries, loading bays and can even sow the condition of the roof, if required. Singapore aerial photographs show the better view of the Singapore city including many beautiful running roads and buildings and etc. 

Drone Photography Singapore

Benefits of aerial photography in real estate –
·         A perfectly shot aerial photographs greatly improves the appearance  of commercial property, making it much more appealing to clients, such as Golf course, leisure centres, hostels, industrial complexes, huge buildings and so on. 

·         Through aerial photography the seller of the property can create better profile of the house or building. 

·         In selling of the property, aerial photographs help to present the property and all the things attractive to willing buyers. Through this type of photography elements can be shown with greater clarity. 

·         Apart from helping property's owner by aerial photographs aerial videography has been also being used by them to make the view of house and it’s surroundings appealing for the client. 

·         By using drones/flying cameras in real estate photographs are producing dramatic, effective shots of landscape, mountains, oceans, farms, roads and so on. 

·         Aerial photography is not only used to shoot outside of the house but also for making footage inside the home and capturing each item and place with clarity. 

·         Drone not just looks professional but also creates a sense of awe and interest that anyone cannot get from any other type of photography. 
·         Aerial videography is more dramatic than photography, as the flying camera combine with professional voice over as the background sound in video shoot it become beautiful visual story, rich with information and history.
·         For many buyers landscape, pools, waking paths and back yards are very essential. They also look for nearby schools, hospitals and parks and footage of these things only can be captured by aerial photography. 

·         To sell a huge property if seller use aerial photography will show seller's efforts for selling his or her property and showcasing it from each point. 


Use of aerial photography in luxury house marketing –
The visual advantages of camera drones have most influenced the of presenting luxury homes on the sites of real estate agents. 

Buyers of multi-million dollar homes often shop online first so it is very important for sellers to upload their more effective and new photographs on their websites. 

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Aerial Videography has many advantages for your real estate business

At present, many real estate agents have heard of drones, and a party would like to use them to take photos and aerial videos, which was beyond the reach of real estate 10 years ago except luxury real estate. The use of a drone offers, in particular situations, an apparent interest: to situate a house in an environment, to provide an aerial view of a property, to offer original views with, for example, the passage from the outside to the inside on a same plane or the overflight of a cliff terrace.

The discovery of a property thanks to the views taken by a drone is an original approach that can value a property, such as a beautiful villa by the sea. You can even insert a drone inside a house. In some cases, if the indoor piloting is possible, which is not always the case; the drone can upgrade a large room with a high ceiling height and a mezzanine, for example, by effectively restoring the effect of space and the volume of the part.


For a real estate agency:

The Singapore Aerial Videography has many benefits for your real estate company: original photographs that are of excellent quality, added value perceived by your customers, and finally a virtual visit not like the others.

These types of services are a plus to offer to your customer's sellers when taking an exclusive mandate for example. This is a way to highlight the quality of your services to differentiate you from your competitors.

It should be borne in mind that the cost of quality imaging per drone limits its use to properties of relatively high value. However, this investment may have a real interest in promoting the agency; in general, it is enough to give a good example by valorising the know-how and image of the agency.

For customers:

The Singapore Aerial Videography is a perfect device to let prospective customers discover the gorgeous and unusual landscapes both for urban and rural surrounding the property for sale.
This virtual tour allows them to visualize a 360 ° property with surprising precision; which can only enchant them. Customers already feel on the premises, which can have a direct impact on sales see sales as the images filmed by drone are conducive to generating a good buzz.

Several points to check to choose your partner:

1. Piloting a drone is not simple
Piloting a drone requires a real passion that requires qualifications and regular practice. Look at the pilot references to make sure the pilot is familiar with the tool.

2. Video editing makes all the difference

Piloting is not the only qualification sought. Indeed, the pilot will also have to be creative in the realization of a video editing or have a competent editor. The mission is creating a unique experience for future buyers by offering them an amazing virtual tour; the mere fact of taking the height is not enough.

However, the essential question remains: what use and quality? It is essential to carefully choose the experienced professional who will offer your clients a unique virtual tour.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

A Professional Aerial Photographer can consider the right click of a Image

Aerospace photographer: a growing profession

The price of fuel and the environmental awareness, mean that the means of traditional photographs (planes, helicopters) are less solicited. The captive balloon and the telescopic mast offer an interesting alternative. The demand of photographer is therefore in continuous growth.

In generic terms, an aerial photograph is a photograph taken from the air. Normally, aerial photographs are taken vertically on board an aircraft using a highly accurate camera.

The close-up best Aerial Photography is carried out using a drone, a helicopter, an airplane or a radio-controlled balloon. These tools evolve in an aerial corridor located between 0 and 150 meters. This is a very wide field, both in terms of the variety of documents and the techniques used.

Of course, although practically anyone who can afford the equipment can take photos from the air with a drone, getting some images similar to the winners of that contest requires a little more technique and experience. On the internet there are multiple websites that offer tips for getting started (or improving) in photography with drone, and some of them are:

Uses short focal lengths, such as wide-angle lenses (the fisheye are the most extreme). The drone's flight will be affected by the wind, and those focal points are less "sensitive" to it.
In the same sense, it is best to use fast shutter speeds. The longer the shutter is open, the more drone instability will affect the photo.

At higher altitude, more fields will cover the photo and more things will appear on it. Location is important. It is necessary to avoid that the drone can be encountered with unforeseen obstacles, reason why it is better that it flies over wide and clear zones.

The drone has to be stable so the camera is also stable. This can be achieved through the pilot's skill, through the GPS mode. When you raise the drone, aim the camera down.

The profession of Aerial Photographer: a "Multitasking" Profession

To become a professional aerial photographer, many skills are required:

        Photographic technique: location, technical adjustments, shooting achievements
        Computer skills: post-processing of images, photomontages
        Marketing: marketing, relations Clienteles and administrative tasks
        Logistics management: organization of trips, schedules and appointments

Best Aerial Photography is an activity that enjoys a lot of sympathy, but it is essential to build up a significant address book (customer loyalty by offering high added value services, increased availability, special offers for volumes / Reportage, digital product development, etc.).
Without contact and without real personal investment, the aerial photographer's job (whether by balloon, plane or helicopter) is not economically viable which explains the high failure rate in the first two years.

Our conclusi

The profession of photographer balloon is therefore a difficult activity but it is also a tried and proven economic model that works! At Singapore Aerial Photography, we are CAAS (Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore) approved operators. Only when you have Operator Permit from CAAS can you conduct aerial photography business in Singapore, and the footage can be used safely without problems from authority.

Monday, 10 April 2017

The advantages of Aerial photography for a business promotion

Every time in the world there are new discoveries, as well as perfected familiar devices, appliances and much more. Recently, more and more began to show interest in the implementation of geodetic surveys, which uses the unmanned aerial photographic device. If you recently conducted survey area pilots, who controlled airplanes and helicopters, aerial photography today can make a drone.

Reduction and prevention of disaster risk:
Aerial Photography Hire Services‎ can undoubtedly reduce the impact of the level of danger in disaster situations. They also collaborate on the analysis to determine the factors that can lead to a catastrophic scenario. For example, aerial photography can from a general perspective, serve to analyze the risks, plan and implement the necessary measures to prevent landslides, floods of rivers during periods of torrential rain, fires caused by periods of heat waves, etc.

Preparation and mitigation:
The Aerial Photography Hire Services‎ by INFINYTE Media allow improving the response of governments, organizations linked to emergency and recovery intervention, communities and people anticipating the potential impacts or risks of a disaster situation.
Drones supports all processes of identification, evaluation, and reduction of risk on the dangers associated with human activity. The response capacity of organizations to a disaster is strengthened through training and drill exercises.

Response and urgent action:
Aerial photographs can provide valuable information to emergency teams and humanitarian aid during or immediately after the disaster, to save lives, reduce health impact, ensure public safety and provide for the basic subsistence needs of affected people. Aerial photography is especially useful in:
Situation Analysis - Damage Assessment: Aerial photos allow you to have the first objective impression of the impact of accident in an environment that can change very quickly.   

Civil protection and humanitarian aid:
The aerial photographs allow in an objective way, to obtain data and information on the actions destined to the rescue of lives. They allow better planning and coordination of the parties involved in humanitarian aid to alleviate the suffering of the affected population. An aerial view, offers among other things, detailed information on the number, location, and accessibility of people in need. In this way, better coordination is activated.

Rehabilitation and reconstruction:
Aerial photography contributes to restoring and improving, where appropriate, the facilities, livelihoods, and living conditions of communities affected by a disaster. These actions include the necessary efforts to reduce risks arising from a failure, through mechanisms for planning the interventions necessary to achieve a speedy recovery of the affected areas.

Protection of Wildlife
One of the main advantages of aerial photography is when we talk about the environment, is the ability to document a specific situation and study the changes that may affect the environment to raise public awareness. Also, the area photography is an excellent diffusion fence.

Civil Engineering and Urban Planning
High-resolution aerial photography has gained popularity among engineers and surveyors dedicated to the production of small-scale plans in urban planning and urban planning projects. The information offered by aerial images, combined with GIS (Geographic Information System) systems, among others, is used in analysis, strategic planning and evaluation functions in urban planning and engineering processes.