Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Some special knowledge about aerial photography

People have started using the aerial photography for a number of reasons. The aerial photography and vdeography professionals are no longer filming just for the purposes of entertainment. It has now found its use in the commercial world as well. One of the industries that have found great use of this type of photography is real estate. But today, movie and advertising industry have also started using the aerial photography and videography.  This type of photography is not only about adding dramatics but also a great deal about aesthetics. Here are a few special things to know about it.

The evolution of photography and videography

Aerial photography is not exactly something new. Long time ago, somewhere in the beginning of the twentieth century, a photographer decided to do something special. Therefore, he boarded a plane and took some really incredible shots. However, today it is more in practice than ever before. In the beginning, the aerial photography was done with the help of the winged aircrafts as the modern tools had not been invented then. For the longest times, military and intelligence groups have been doing aerial photography for espionage purposes. The winged aircrafts were pretty common and they had found some commercial use as well. Of course there were some real challenges only a few decades back. For instance, winged aircraft could accommodate only one person. So, the pilot would not only have to take the aerial photos but also had to fly the place. But as the technology advanced, it became easier to take aerial photos with the automatic tools. Today, if you want some great aerial filming, go for Singapore Aerial Video by INFINYTE Media. The companies like INFINYTE Media are the experts in this field and can get you whatever you want.

 Another problem with the aerial photography earlier was that the planes had to go to a certain height before they could take pictures. Again, this offered many challenges. For instance, the cameras at that time were not really advanced so they could not take high-quality pictures from very high. Also, on the cloudy days it was not possible to take pictures. But then came the time of the aircrafts which could be controlled using the radio technology. This allowed taking pictures from the smaller heights. These days, people hire services like Singapore Aerial Video by INFINYTE Media because they have the most modern tools and equipment. We are now using the drones that can be controlled remotely and can take some beautiful pictures.

Drones are really good for taking the videos and photos from a certain height. However, nothing can beat the skills of a professional photographer. Therefore, when one needs quality photos with high aesthetic appeal then a professional photographer must go up in the air. This is where the helicopters come into picture.  Helicopters are being extensively used to shoot high quality videos and photos. However, one must have a license to fly it.

With the use of the drones and miniature aircrafts, aerial photography has become much more affordable than it ever was.