Monday, 12 October 2015

Amazing Kite Aerial Photography in Singapore

Have you ever flown a kite or taken a photograph? Most of us do the former and latter and some of us are familiar with both. That is the reason why people hold so much of fascination and love for Aerial Kite photography. Nowadays, the digital cameras are relatively light and they are also becoming very popular to take images from kites and many people have taken it as a hobby. The hobby of aerial kite photography was started around the mid-1980s though the very first example of such kind of photo dates back after the photography was first invented.

Before the digital cameras become cheap or even come in the picture, the keen KAPers would hoist much of amount of money, worth of photographic gear up under their kites, so that they can take good quality paranomic pictures. Singapore Aerial Videography by INFINYTE Media has also become popular since its inception.

Apart from Singapore Aerial Videography, the another popular hobby is Kite Aerial Photography, which is commonly known as KAP. The KAP equipment is simple and cheap and within the reach of everyone, though some of the enthusiasts also go to much trouble in spending extra money to get some great pictures.

There are many enthusiasts of aerial kite photography who go after quality and for this they can go to any extent and spend any amount of money. Thus, they spend much of their money on the high-end cameras, special equipment, and radio control gear to suspend it aloft with a minimum amount of movement. The R/C gear is used so that the camera can be panned to get the best shots, and the shutter gets clicked on the command. These are the two main functions, and there can be also other switching settings on the camera.

The Kite Aerial Photography has been now for a hundred of years to get the overview perspective of the landscape. The advantage over the landscape photography is that it is inexpensive and much lower altitudes can be used for it. It is also amusing to build camera rig, this technique is also used by the archaeologists and geologists to get the plan view of any particular site.  The main idea behind it is to suspend a camera with a shutter and timer tripping the device below a kite and to send it aloft above the target area. The camera is also kept more or less on the level and it is properly oriented with a device called pica vet, which is attached to the kite, through a string.

If you are also looking for Aerial photography or Aerial videography in Singapore, then you can also get in touch with Singaporeaerialphotography as they provide events coverage, Sale of property, or just a bird’s eye view, they provide the services for professionals and for consumers as well, the amount they charge from their clients is also very pocket-friendly as compared to the other service providers. So, contact them today, and explore a new world of photography.